ɨ̀ jɨ ndâ

Inheritance is partilineal in the Bafut Kingdom. the Fon's designted son inherits the throne directly, accompanied by a new Ndienfor and Muma. in the family, a chosen son succeeds his father and inherits his property which he may share with his brothers and sisters. in the absence of a direct male child, the son of a chosen daughter succeeds him. according to tradition, only boys can succeed and inherit the family property since girls can move from one family to another when they get married

Mfor Abumbi II

As to what concerns the Dynastic History of the Bafut Fondom, it has been ruled by 11 Fons; First Fon being Mfor Feurlu (Fə̀əlù) 1516-1552 with his reign maked with events such as; built the pioneer palace of the Bafut Fondom in Mbebili as a reconstruction of that of Nebachi, the Bafut traditional anthem called Mban was composed during his reign, founding of Achu food. The second Fon Mfor Neba-si-su (1552-1570) marked his reign with events such as, expanding the Bafut terrotorially   beyond Bukari and Mbebili, founded "Mandele" royal dance. The music of the dance was copied from sounds and songs of birds from Muchwine river. Third Fon Mfor Ambe-bi-ferh (1570-1635) established the Chong secret Society, established the Takumbeng, adopted Awahngia and children. Fourth Fon Mfor Neba Mfor (1635-1677) transfered the capital of the Bafut Fondom from Mbebili village to Bujong quarter, built the ancestral shrine called "Achum", founding of the Bujong site of the palace and tricked execution of Ndieala Mbwe, established several execution sites in Bafut. Fifth Fon Mfor Chunga (1677-1707) hunted elephants to promote his ivory trade,a slave trader and mounted slave raids up to Mbelewi, discovery of Raphia and palm wine in Bafut. Sixth Fon, Mfor Ngwaa-Bi-Fu(1707-1752) Amended the Bafut Traditional Anthem Mban, hunted elephants to promote ivory trade. Seventh Fon, Mfor Tumfong (1752-1799) established the Royal Secret Society called Àjà ́à, granted some cheifs permission to settle in Bafut. Eigth Fon Mfor Achirimbi I (1799-1852) expanded the territory of Bafut Fondom Northward, transfered the Bafut Palace from Bujong to Njibujang, hunted elephants to promote his ivory trade. Nineth Fon Abumbi I (1852-1932) instituted warfare as a compulsory profession for all Bafut people aged above 13 years, conquered and occupied all Menchum Valley Villages, built the first German Primary School in Bafut in 1911 at Njinteh, waged ferocious wars against German colonization of Bafut, Tenth Fon, Mfor Achirimbi II(1932-1968) transformed the Bafut Palace into a splendid Royal Palace modelled on Bafut Traditional Architecture, German and English Royal standards, completed the Bafut Royal Rest House "Nde-kengtang"in 1940 but Abumbi II converted it into a Bafut Royal Museum, played a leading role in the Southern Cameroon and Late West Cameroon House of Chiefs as President. Eleveth Fon Mfor Abumbi II (1968-present) enthroned 14th December 1968 at the age of 17years.


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